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Both claims come with many exclusions that are outlined in your policy, do you know what they are?  

Anchor 1

Does your policy cover
this damage?

Sink Hole and Catastrophic Ground Collapse are very involved and tedious claims. Both come with many exclusions that are outlined in your policy, which gives the insurance company lots of opportunity for incorrect interpretation and denials.


For example, for a policy to cover a Ground Collapse the following need to be met:


  1.  The abrupt collapse of the ground cover

  2.  A depression in the ground cover clearly visible to the naked eye

  3.  Structural damage to the covered building, including the foundation

  4.  The insured structure being condemned and ordered to be vacated by the government agency authorized by law to issue such an order for the structure​

Do you feel like your Insurance Company improperly denied your claim?



Don't let your Insurance Company push you around! Remember, even the best homeowner’s insurance companies will never voluntarily pay more than the minimum. Policyholders need to be conscious they are claiming the correct amount and hiring Fair Claims can help you do that!


Let our experts help you.

We will be the calm
after the Storm

From the beginning we will document the damage to your home, show up to represent you at all inspections set up by your insurance company, handle your entire claims process, and negotiate a fair settlement under the provisions of your policy. 


If you have already received payment from your Insurance Company, and you are not happy with the amount; let us review your claim free of charge to ensure that you were paid fairly and nothing was hidden or left off of the table for you. Even after a settlement has been received by an insured, Fair Claims adjusters may still be able to negotiate for a higher amount.

Do you have a different type of loss?

Explore some other losses we handle.

Have you experienced a property loss in the State of Florida

   & a

 settlement is important to you? 

providing claims assistance for the entire state of Florida

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Tel: (772) 276-5155


M-F: 9 AM - 5PM

Weekends: By Appointment Only

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